Cherniy Rytsar in Souvenir Design
Vivid spicy aroma of the balsam Cherniy Rytsar (Black Knight) is splendidly balanced by delicate floral shades. The taste of the balsam is rich and natural with the subsequent gentle aftertaste. It is perfect to make mixed drinks. It has more than 16 herbs, roots and fruits in its ingredients.


- 1997, Russia, Saint Petersburg, International specialized fair “Autumn Fair of Wines’97” — silver medal;
- 1998, Russia, Saint Petersburg, International specialized fair “Petersburg Fair of Wines and Vodkas’98” — silver medal;
- 1999, Belarus, Minsk, 3rd International Tasting Competition of Alcoholic Beverages — gold medal;
- 1999, Crimea, International competition “Crimea. Spirits’99” — silver medal;
- 1999, Crimea, 2nd International competition “Crimea. Fruit Wine’99” — silver medal;
- 2000, Russia, Saint Petersburg, International tasting competition “Interdrink” — silver medal;
- 2001, Belarus, Minsk, 4th International Tasting Competition of Alcoholic Beverages — silver medal;
- 2001, Crimea, International competition “Crimea. Spirits’2001” — silver medal;
- 2003, Crimea, Yalta International competition “Golden Griffin’2003” — silver medal;
- 2003, Belarus, Minsk, 5th International Competition of Vodkas and Spirits — bronze medal;
- 2004, Russia, Saint Petersburg, 11th International specialized fair “Petersburg Fair of Wines and Vodkas’2004” — bronze medal;
- 2006, Belarus, Minsk, 9th Republican Food Competition — “Product of the Year’2006” prize;
- 2007, Belarus, Minsk, 6th International Competition of Vodkas and Alcoholic Beverages — silver medal;
- 2007, Belarus, Minsk, 12th International Tasting Competition of Alcoholic Beverages — bronze medal;
- 2007, Belarus, Minsk, 10th Republican Food Competition “Product of the Year’2007” — first place in nomination “Balsam”;
- 2008, Belarus, Minsk, “Brand of the Year’2008” — bronze medal in professional nomination;
- 2008, Russia, Moscow, “Best Product’2008” within the fair “Prodexpo” — silver medal;
- 2008, Armenia, Erevan “Armprodexpo’2008” — big gold medal;
- 2009, Ukraine, Odessa, 9th International Tasting Competition “Odessa Bay’2009” — gold medal;
- 2009, Belarus, Minsk, Tasting competition “GUST’2009” for best alcoholic beverage within “Belproduct” exhibition — diploma in nomination “Balsams”;
- 2009, Belarus, Minsk, competition “Product of the Year” — diploma of 2nd degree;
- 2010, Belarus, Minsk, competition “Product of the Year” — diploma of 2nd degree;
- 2011, Belarus, Minsk, tasting competition within the exhibition “Bistro. Shop. Restaurant. Beers. Wines. Drinks’2011” — silver medal;
- 2011, Russia, Moscow, International Tasting Competition “Best Vodka’2011” — gold medal;
- 2012, Belarus, Minsk, contest “Product of the Year’2012” — grand-prix;
- 2012, Crimea, Yalta, International contest of grape wines, cognacs, champagne, fruit wines, vodkas and spirits “Yalta. Golden Griffin’2012” — silver medal;
- 2012, Belarus, Minsk, competition “GUST’2012” — diploma in nomination “Balsams”;
- 2012, Belarus, Minsk, the winner of contest “Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus’2012” in the nomination “Food Products”;
- 2012, Belarus, Minsk, contest “Product of the Year’2012” — diploma of the 2nd degree in the nomination “Balsams”;
- 2014, Russia, Moscow, the winner of the contest “Best Product’2014” within the international exhibition “PRODEXPO’2014” — gold medal;
- 2014, Belarus, Minsk, “Product of the Year’2014” — grand-prix;
- 2015, Moldova, Kishinev, 24th International contest of wines and spirits — gold medal;
- 2015, Belarus, Minsk, contest “Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus’2015” — winner in the nomination “Food Products”;
- 2018, Belarus, Minsk, International Specialized Contest of Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Beverages "Zalaty Kelikh" — nomination "Alcoholic Beverages" — the Grand Prix.