Drinking Water Blended Carbonated "Pridvin'e" Voda.by
Blended drinking water carbonated “Pridvinskaya-2” is produced from wells No. 44163/88 with a depth of 319 meters and No. 40676 with a depth of 396 meters that are located on the territory of our Factory. The main components of blended drinking water: chlorides, sodium, sulfates, hydrocarbons, calcium, magnesium.
When drinking blended drinking water, the regulatory systems of the body are mobilized, metabolic processes are activated. Entering the body, blended drinking water affects the receptors of the digestive system and affects the processes both in the cavity of the digestive system and in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The chemical components that have entered the bloodstream affect the receptors of the blood vessels, the organs of the endocrine and nervous systems, also affecting the hormonal regulation of the body and its systems.
Ingredients: natural drinking water, natural mineral water.