“Vitebsk Alcoholic Beverages Factory “Pridvin’e”

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Our Factory Today

Joint Stock Company “Vitebsk Alcoholic Beverages Factory “Pridvin’e” was opened in 1898. We have a long history, and that is why today we are a modern company that produces a lot of types of alcoholic beverages. Moreover, a business unit Bogushevsk Distillery is a part of our company. Besides, we have commodity distribution networks: SIA BELPISCHEPROM in Latvia and LLC Armenian-Belarus trading house “AR-BE” in Armenia.

As well as, in 2015 we became a part of “Minsk Kristall Group”. This holding company includes 8 companies of Belgospischeprom Concern, where companies engaged in food industry and producing alcohol are united. The managing company of “Minsk Kristall Group” is the JSC “Minsk Kristall”.


The production complex of the Factory today consists of three main production sections:

  • Alcohol production section (equipped with three bottling lines);
  • Liquor production section (equipped with one automated bottling line for the production of drinks in souvenir bottles) with a brandy preparation section;
  • Non-alcoholic production section (equipped with two lines for bottling water into a glass bottle and a PET bottle).

Also Bogushevsk Distillery, where rectified alcohol from food raw materials, rye malt and etc. are produced, is a part of our factory. For our products we use only the rectified ethyl alcohol of our own production.

Since 2013 in the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages water is used from an artesian well of 319 m depth, located on the territory of the Factory.

 The official distributor of JSC “Vitebsk Alcoholic Beverages Factory "Pridvin'e" on the market of the Republic of Belarus is trading unitary enterprise “TRADING COMPANY “MINSK KRISTALL TRADE”.
